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How to improve the outreach of blog post?

3 minute read


Every blog post that goes in internet has many points that make them great for any reader. The improving the ranking of the pages (blogs) on the google search is often a technical task involving many factors.

How to effectively read a Research Article

3 minute read


Reading a research article is an art. Even though we spend quite a good amount of time doing that, but no one really teaches the approach that we should abapt. And the irony is, there are actually some standard and optimal ways of reading a research paper.

Matrix multiplication for Rotational Transformation in Python

less than 1 minute read


In Python, whenever you wish to rotate any plot, you can do that with the help of Rotational Transformation. In Rotational Tranformation, the input coordinate matrix is multiplied with a Transformation (Rotation) matrix.

Basic steps in impact analysis using LS-DYNA

2 minute read


LS-DYNA can be a great software when doing the explicit analysis or the analysis that happen in fraction of a seconds. These type of analysis involve high impact rate or high strain rate.

Color Python output text

less than 1 minute read


Output text of the Python can look too monotnous as it lacks the color. In order fill life into that, you can use termcolor module of Python that helps you color the output text.

Plot lines using coordinates in Python

less than 1 minute read


In Python, there are multiple ways to plot a curve, you can plot by defining the function or you can give the coordinates of the curve.

How to pin floating stopwatch in Windows?

less than 1 minute read


Being a computataional enigneer, your day will remain incomplete without typing custom codes in code-editor or doing simulations. But, very often, you can fall into the trap of shifting from actual work to random web surfing. The two fold effect of this will be, your time will fly away without any productive outcome and you can still feel like you are doing something.

Implementing Floquet Periodicity in FEniCS or FEniCSx

1 minute read


When analyzing wave propagation inside a periodic structure, one may consider the analysis over a single section or a unit cell instead of the complete domain, by considering the appropriate periodicity at the boundaries. This approach reduces the domain of analysis and simplifies the problem.

How to write SEO-focused blog post?

4 minute read


Whenever you create content for any website, you wish that your content comes first whenever a user searches for that in a search engine like To do that, one uses a certain optimization process called Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

Physical intuition of Floquet periodicity

2 minute read


When analyzing wave propagation inside a periodic structure, one may consider the analysis over a single section or a unit cell, instead of the complete domain, by considering the appropriate periodicity at the boundaries. This approach reduces the domain of analysis and simplifies the problem.

Analogy of thermal and structural compliance

1 minute read


When dealing with the structure subjected to the thermal loading, one terms comes very frequently and that is thermal compliance. But term is rarely defined in any literature, what we frequently see is the mathematical expression -


Metamaterial selective absorber for infrared stealth

This project explores metamaterials’ potential for thermal infrared (IR) stealth by analyzing various material configurations and structural designs. Finite Element Method (FEM) analysis investigates how metamaterials can selectively emit radiation, achieve radiative cooling, and potentially attain perfect IR stealth, offering promising applications in thermal invisibility technology.

Thermal compliance topology optimisation

This project leverages Thermal Compliance Topology Optimization and finite element analysis to optimize geothermal heat exchanger (GHE) designs for high-temperature conditions. It employs open-source software for modeling and visualization, conducts parametric studies, and generates GHE structures resembling plant roots. The optimized GHE layouts enhance heat dissipation, reduce soil temperature impacts, and offer sustainable heating and cooling solutions.